Opiate Withdrawal Treatment

Treatment for opiate withdrawal

Get help today for your opiate withdrawal symptoms!

Depending on the user, they may experience opiate withdrawal symptoms for several days to several weeks, once the have decided to stop using the drug. The withdrawal symptoms can be very painful and uncomfortable but they are not life threatening if this was only drug taken. If other drugs were consumed at the same time, it is important to seek medical attention immediately. There are opiate withdrawal treatment programs that a opiate user can take full advantage of when they want to overcome their addiction to opiates, successfully.

It is important that a person never goes about their opiate withdrawal treatment alone.

The withdrawal symptoms that the user may encounter can include early symptoms and late symptoms. The symptoms can include the following:

Early opiates withdrawal symptoms:

  • Anxiety
  • Muscle aches
  • Insomnia
  • Excessive body fluids
  • Agitation / violent behavior

Late opiates withdrawal symptoms:

  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Abdominal cramping
  • Chills


For most opiate addicts, the first step in recovery is detoxication but it isn’t the only step that will be taken during the recovery process. When a person starts to detox from opiates, there body will start to go back to it’s normal state. This can cause some of the symptoms that were mentioned above. For some users, this process and the symptoms that occur can last a few hours to several days. The amount of time it takes, will vary depending on the single dose of opiates, how long they have been abusing the drug and any health related problems they have had already.

Behavioral Therapy

Behavioral therapy is an essential part of opiate withdrawal treatment. During behavioral therapy, the person will learn more about themselves and their behavior. They will be able to reach down deep and find out what is causing their addiction to opiates. Behavioral therapy is also a tool to help the user avoid recurring drug uses and how to handle different situations in the future. Stress and negative people or environments can cause the person to fall back into the same bad habits. Therapy will give them the tools and resources to avoid these people and places for good.

Residential Treatment

Residential treatment is an intensive opiate withdrawal treatment program. Typically a opiate user will stay in the treatment center for about 3 months or longer if needed. They will have full access to different resources and around the clock monitoring. Having care when they need it, is very important because many of the withdrawal symptoms can be very uncomfortable. It is the best to have someone there to help ease the symptoms and the pain, so you don’t have to go about it alone.

Support Groups

Support groups are a great way for a recovering addict to feel part of a positive group of people, get support and be supportive. This is another step of the opiate withdrawal treatment, than can happen during treatment and once recovery is already in action. Many recovering addicts will attend support groups for their opiate or other controlled substance addiction for many years after their recovery. Support groups often become a family setting and a good place for the person to go when they don’t want to be judged for their past mistakes.

Get Help!

No matter what your circumstances are, you should never feel that you have to through opiate withdrawal treatment alone. There are many different programs and resources that can help you overcome your addiction to opiates or any other drug. You’re only one call away from starting the rest of your life, a sober life.

Resource: http://www.health.harvard.edu/